Treatment of physical problems depends on their causes, symptoms, and many other factors. Treatment for less severe problems does not require surgery, but more severe cases may require surgery. Surgery is a therapy that uses operative manual and instrumental techniques to investigate or treat disease or injury conditions. One of these is orthopedic surgery. Orthopedic surgery or orthopedics is the branch of surgery dealing with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic surgeons use both surgical and nonsurgical tools to treat musculoskeletal trauma, spine diseases, sports injuries, infections, tumors, and congenital disorders. Know what is orthopedic surgery?
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What is orthopedic surgery?
Types of Orthopedic Surgery
If your doctor has asked you for surgery, this can help you know if your problem is normal or not. Some of the most common orthopedic surgeries are as follows:
Knee Replacement
The knee means the knee is the most used joint of our body. But, unfortunately, due to excessive use, they also have to face more damage. In knee replacement surgery, either part or all of the knee is replaced. Instead, artificial ones are used. This is necessary because in most cases, the cartilage in the joints has been damaged, causing problems with movement. There can be many reasons for knee problems. Such as trauma to the knees or obesity etc.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Surgery
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is an important part of the knee. Which helps you remain stable when you move the leg. If this ligament ruptures, reconstructive surgery is performed to repair it. Usually, this surgery is not major and the patient can return home from the hospital the same day.
Hip Replacement
Another common joint that can be replaced is the hip. The hip is made up of the acetabulum and the femoral head. Like the knee, there are two different types of replacement surgery. In most cases, the entire joint is replaced, although there is another procedure, in which only the part that is the problem is replaced.
Shoulder Replacement
The other common joint replacement surgery is that of the shoulder. Like the knee and hip, the shoulder also has more pressure than normal. Usually, if the upper part of the humerus is torn, it is removed and replaced with a metal ball. However, if the rotator cuff is damaged, a socket made of metal and a plastic replacement is used over the arm bone.
Arthroscopy is a procedure that is performed on the knee and shoulder. It is one of the minimally invasive orthopedic procedures that allows the surgeon to place a small camera in the body near the joint to get a clear image of the injury site. You may need to have an arthroscopy before a knee or shoulder replacement so that the surgeon knows how big the problem is and exactly what needs to be done.
Joint Fusion
If you have Arthritis. Then you should adopt a joint fusion procedure. In this surgery, the cartilage is removed from the part of the body where there is no injury and it is placed in the place where the damage has occurred.
What are the things to keep in mind before orthopedic surgery?
Before Orthopedic Surgery, you must be completely physically and mentally prepared. Know, what are the things to keep in mind before orthopedic surgery:
the most important thing is to be healthy
Before orthopedic surgery, it is very important to take care that you are healthy. If you are healthy, then not only will there be no problem with your surgery but it will also help you to recover quickly. To stay healthy, you must take the right diet. Healthy food provides nutritious elements to your body. Before surgery, you should take fruits, vegetables, lean meats, healthy fats, etc. Along with this, the diet should also contain protein, vitamin C, zinc, etc. This will help you to recover quickly. Don't forget to drink more and more water.
Know the whole process before orthopedic surgery
Before Orthopedic Surgery, understand the whole process of this surgery. So that you have a complete understanding of these things:
Infection prevention measures such as the use of Chlorhexidine Gluconate soap. Which is an antiseptic that reduces the risk of infection.
Along with this, you should also know about the things that you should and should not do during recovery.
What exercises you should do before surgery, these exercises prepare you for surgery.
Leave Valuables at Home Before Surgery
Carry only the things you need during the surgery. Keep things that are not needed and valuables like jewelry, keys, credit cards, etc., at home.
How to take care after surgery? (care after surgery)
If you are having surgery, you will also want to know how you can recover more quickly and return to work. For this, the doctor will guide you completely. But you should also take special care of some things, such as:
Follow Your Doctor's Instructions
Some patients completely follow the doctor's advice after surgery. But, some don't take them so seriously. But, you should follow the advice of the doctor. Along with this, you must also get regular checkups by taking appointments.
Avoid infection
It is very important to prevent infection after surgery. For this, you have to take full care of yourself. Like taking care of cleanliness, washing hands, etc.
Eat Right and Balanced Diet
Some people do not feel like eating anything after surgery. The reason for this could be due to their bad mood, constipation or loss of appetite, etc. But, staying hydrated and having a healthy diet is essential after surgery so that you can recover quickly.
Control Pain
It is important to keep pain under control after surgery. Some patients avoid taking pain relievers. They feel that this will make them get used to these medicines. but it's not like that. They should not forget to take these medicines.
Keep Moving
It is very important to keep moving after surgery so that you stay fit. Although this may seem like a simple thing to you, it can avoid serious problems. Moving and exercising after some time following the doctor's advice will help you recover quickly.
What are the lifestyle changes necessary after orthopedic surgery?
After orthopedic surgery or any other surgery, the first question that comes to mind is how long will the recovery take? Actually, this recovery depends on your lifestyle and many other things. Like what kind of diet do you take, are you able to get enough sleep or not, etc? Know what changes you should bring to your lifestyle:
Right Food
It is very important to have a proper diet after orthopedic surgery. In the recovery period after surgery, you should take a proper and nutritious diet. During this, do not consume junk food, sugar, or a high salt diet, etc. Eating a diet rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, protein, and zinc will help you recover faster. Staying hydrated is also important for recovery after surgery. So drink a sufficient amount of water.
Take Rest
After orthopedic surgery, you will take some time to recover completely. So give your body time to heal. For this, you need to take complete rest. Do the activities as per the doctor's advice.
It is not possible for you to be more physically active immediately after orthopedic surgery. But, you can move your body as per the advice of the doctor. For example, if you have had knee surgery, you can move your arms and legs a little while sitting. When you recover a little, you can do other exercises as well. After orthopedic surgery consults a good physiotherapist and know about the necessary exercises.
Orthopedic surgery is a common surgery but many people panic after hearing its name and avoid it. After surgery, if you follow the advice of the physician and adopt healthy habits, then you will be able to recover quickly. Along with this, it is also important for you to get enough sleep and stay positive so that you can face this difficult time easily and lead a normal life.
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